Rio de Janeiro’s neighbourhoods analysis

Matheus Busch
4 min readMar 23, 2021


Photo by Desert Morocco Adventure on Unsplash


Nowadays, Airbnb has become one of the startups company that people most use in their daily life. Airbnb is an online marketplace that allows people to rent houses for a specific period of time.

In this article, I will try to analyse and get some answers about the neighbourhoods in Rio de Janeiro at airbnb. For instance, which neighbourhood has the most expensive mean price.

I used a public Airbnb data that is avaiable at From Inside Airbnb website. The dataset used in this analysis is called ‘listings’ and has a detailed listings in Rio de Janeiro.

Part 1: What is The TOP 10 most expensive Neighbourhoods?

First of all, I am interested in discovering which neighbourhoods are the most expensive. In the chart below, you can see in descending order that São Conrado has a mean price two times bigger than the second neighbourhood, which is Itanhangá.

Figure 1: What is the TOP 10 most expensive neighbourhoods

People who knows Rio de Janeiro city, can realize that the 10 most expensive neighbourhoods are in the same area in the city, or close. And you can see that all of this neighbourhoods are close to the beach, a place where tourists want to be.

Part 2: What is the TOP 10 most listed neighbourhoods and which one is the most expensive?

In the chart below, i am interested in finding out which neighbourhood has more options for people to rent a house or a bedroom. It is no surprise that Copacabana — the most famous place in Rio de Janeiro — is the neighbourhood with the most number of houses. Approximately, three times bigger than the second place, Barra da Tijuca.

Figure 2: What is the TOP 10 most listed neighbourhoods?

But is Copacabana the most expensive neighbourhood from that list? As you can see in the chart above, it is not.

Figure 3: Which one has the highest mean price

The most expensive is Barra da Tijuca, followed by Leblon, a neighbourhood known as one the most expensives places to live in Brazil. Barra da Tijuca and Leblon are the only places where the mean price is more than R$ 800.00.

Part 3: What is the Top 10 neighbourhoods with better review rating?

In terms of score rating by the users, which neighbourhoods do better? Jacarepaguá and Recreio dos Bandeirantes have the best review scores, with more than 4.8 out of five stars.

FIgure 4: What is the TOP nighbourhoods with better review

A large amount of neighbourhoods has a score rating of 4.5 stars or more. This indicates that Rio de Janeiro offers a good amount and quality places to rent out.

Part 4: How are the listings distributed throughout Rio de Janeiro?

Finally, I wondered how the listings were distributed on Rio de Janeiro. In which area do we have more options? Are they close to the beach or to the downtown area?

As you can see in the image above, the listings are spatial concentrated on a specific area from the city. It includes neighbourhoods, such as Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. The downtown area has a lot of options too. At Barra da Tijuca area the listings are more distributed, due to it being a big neighbourhood.

Figure 5: How the listing are distributed


In this article, we took a look at how are the listings in Rio de Janeiro neighbourhoods, and so:

1. We have identified wich are the most expensives neighbourhoods.

2. We have detected which are the most neighbourhoods listed and noticed which of them had the most expensive mean price.

3. We, then, looked which neighbourhoods had the higher review scores.

4. Finally, we saw how the listings were distributed throughout Rio de Janeiro.

This is an article written for my first Project in Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree.

To see more, visit the link to my Github available here.



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